Social Housing in Portsmouth


Housing In Portsmouth

Social and/or affordable housing in Portsmouth is and will continue to be in high demand. There are over 2,000 households on the council’s housing register, which means they are considered to be in housing need due to:

✔︎ having a medical problem which is directly affected by their current accommodation
✔︎  being overcrowded
✔︎  being homeless or threatened with homelessness

Following years of applications under the right to buy scheme, the number of social housing properties owned by the Council has depleted from a peak of 27,000 to just over 11,000 today.
The Council has retained its housing stock, whereas in many other areas this has been taken over by housing associations. 

Nevertheless, housing associations account for a further 6,000 homes in Portsmouth.
Portsmouth City Council is always looking for different options to deliver more affordable housing to meet the housing demand. This can mean building their own stock; repurchasing leasehold properties; leasing properties from the private sector; or supporting housing associations.

Portsmouth Community Housing Trust represents a further option to help increase the number of properties available for social rent in the city.

Everyone deserves a place they can rely on;
A safe foundation on which to build a good life. 

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